ANGEL AT LARGE December 2011 A humble angel is given the most important job in heaven - to make sure the Nativity runs smoothly - in this family-friendly Christmas comedy.
MELCHIOR’S MAGICAL MYSTERY QUEST December 2007 Three wise men, their servants and a pretty dim camel trek across Persia and Judea to find the meaning of Christmas.
WHAT’S SO AMAZING ABOUT GRACE? March/April and August 2006 Philip Yancey’s best-selling book about the nature of grace and forgiveness wowed audiences in Portsmouth and at the Greenbelt Festival.
THE EASTER STORY 2005 Easter 2005 The stories behind Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday - devised and performed with the help of secondary school pupils.
SCRUB THAT MANGER! 2004 December 2004 Our family Christmas play examining Jesus’ humble origins in a dirty, smelly manger was back - by popular demand!
EXILE June-August 2004 Roles were reversed in this thought-provoking one-act play imagining a parallel universe in which British dissidents had to flee the country and seek asylum abroad.
SCRUB THAT MANGER! December 2003 A hygiene-conscious innkeeper’s wife loses her battle to keep the manger clean in this family play based on the Nativity story.
THE EASTER STORY Easter 2003 Giant puppets stalked the streets of Portsmouth as the events of Palm Sunday to Easter Day were re-enacted in the city centre.
WALKOUT! June and November 2002 This re-telling of John Bunyan’s classic Pilgrim’s Progress set Christian’s epic journey in a modern-day world of TV evangelists and chat-show hosts.
UNFORGIVABLE SIN April 2001 This challenging production wondered how a typical church congregation might react when confronted with the reality of a repentant sinner - with a particularly dark secret.
THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS March 2000 CS Lewis’s classic text shows what might happen when a senior devil tries to teach a junior colleague to tempt a new Christian during 1940s Britain.
THE ADVENTURES OF THE J TEAM June 1998 A futuristic sci-fi thriller for all the family that also acted as a parable for the gospel story. Now published as a drama resource for holiday clubs and school assemblies.
PROMISE October/November 1997 This challenging play examined the effects of claims that God can heal serious illnesses today.
ANGEL AT LARGE January 1996 A nativity-based family play, involving an angel, several half-eaten maps and a camel.